
Welcome to GOLF WHMIS - Online WHMIS Training...
This course is an online Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System training program for all employees within the Golf Industry. To begin the course, enter the username and password that you have been provided in the box on the left and follow the instructions provided.
• If you do not have a username and password and are a CGSA member please call our toll free number at 1-877-946-4748 to purchase passcodes at the 66% discount rate of $10.00 per passcode on orders of five or more.
• To become a CGSA member and take advantage of the CGSA 66% discount rate simply go to http://www.golfsupers.com/Content/NavigationMenu/MemberServices/JoinNow/default.htm
Otherwise, click on the “Register” option above to purchase usernames and passwords online.
If you require further information contact us at questions@virtualwhmis.com and a representative will contact you promptly.